Catching up mid-week, great news, and fresh upcoming.

JS Blog Update

Let me start by wishing all women everywhere a meaningful and purposeful International Women’s Day. March 8 is not a single day; it is a beginning; it is advocating, journeying, and moving through and beyond the subsequent recurrence of the date with purpose and commitment to making a difference, from equity to equality, from preventing and stopping violence against women to acknowledging women’s rights and enshrining them in law, from enabling economic well-being to providing vital decision access to healthcare. From many single voices to one united voice, standing as one, connected.


Over the past couple of weeks (as outlined in a previous post), a flurry of activity behind the scenes resulted in this delayed post. To provide a streamlined, intuitive, accessible, and effortless reading experience, we (thank you for your input, requests, and support) have made the first of a series of changes we hope to address and complete by month’s end.

Reading Progress Bar

A reading progress bar (RPB) does what the name says – it visually represents how far you have progressed through reading a post, filling up to indicate how close it is to its end. As many of you requested, we have added the RPB (visible as a horizontal bar at the top of your screen as you scroll) based on the many devices you read on (desktops, mobile phones, tablets, etc.) The color chosen is based on the 2023 Pantone color of the year, Viva Magenta.

Language Translation(s) of Featured Posts

This is something that has been asked repeatedly and that required a structured, though uncommon, approach. Not all pages and posts are or will be translated, and those that are, reflect the desire of many of you to be able to follow interviews and stories of interest in a specific language. Single or multiple flags are used within the featured photos accompanying posts to identify available languages beyond English. The translation(s) will show at the end of the original post (before the comments section, when available), accessible through a collapsible content panel, which you can quickly expand or close.

Scrolling Ticker Tape for Newest Posts

We have added a ticker-tape style scroller that identifies the last four posts published. While we are completing the newsletter process and structure, this scrolling ticker tape is temporary (though it may stick around – no pun intended). Soon you can sign up for a blog-related newsletter, which will keep you in the loop from the comfort of your inbox if you wish.

Massive Thank You to All of You

As we are about to hit the blog’s first anniversary (unexpected, but there it is), I want to express my gratitude for the increasing and significant number of you coming to visit, comment, request, and suggest features and ways I can improve your reading experience. After half a year, your number was beyond my wildest imagination. Now I am even more surprised and thankful. I am grateful to you for visiting, reading, and returning to share thoughts and reflections of your own. Managing the blog has become demanding and time-consuming. Still, it is also fulfilling, demonstrating that the connections the blog strives to create are being made and branching out in every possible direction — Freudenfreude in my soul. And the motivation to keep it going for as long as it can.


The third and final full Moon of the northern hemisphere’s Winter season occurred this past Tuesday, March 7. The “Worm Moon” comes from the fact that earthworms reappear around this time of year, bringing birds back out to feed. It signals the end of Winter and the start of regrowth in nature. I captured the Worm Moon that night through an ever-increasing cloud cover, and I am glad I was able to. Of the many photographs taken, one stood out to me, which I am sharing with you. Here’s to a deep breath in, a slow breath out, and a welcoming of Spring.

Worm Moon March 7, 2023 Dallas TX

On March 25, the blog will celebrate one year online (interrupted here and there, yet most accessible). We will reminisce about some events and how, with them, we grew awareness, and collaboration, exploring new avenues, learning, sharing, and so on – a joyful recap – and introducing new and exciting ways to show appreciation and keep expanding horizons. New conversations/interviews are in the works, including music, design, and crafting, to mention a few, as well as a section devoted to you and your stories and experiences – inspired by reading this blog and written by you.

This Friday, you can expect one or more posts/updates while we work diligently on the upcoming anniversary. Please stay in touch or contact us by sharing your requests, ideas, and comments using this form. I will answer as soon as possible, I promise. Finally, as you know, I am a fanatical musicophile and spend significant time in the company of headphones, earbuds, loudspeakers, and instruments. I leave you with a tune playing as I type that fits perfectly with this moment. The tone and lyrics may seem sad, but I hear them as cheerful and bright – peaceful and gratifying. Have a great week!