Oh, brr. It has been c-c-cold in Texas this week and a polar vortex is upon us. It is true what they say about the weather in this state: you can experience four seasons in a week (and sometimes in a day!). Just yesterday we were freezing (literally) and today it feels like late Spring. Not to last. Next week, we must dig out serious winter gear, light up the fireplace, take care of water pipes and drip-drip-drip faucets, and find warm things to do, eat, and sleep under. After 30 years of crazy-temperature-swings training, it is “simply” one more drill.
And then there is politics, which I will not address as it is frankly too overwhelming a challenge to my mental health. A short comment should be enough. As the saying goes, we will get through this, “come hell or high water.” Well, high water (the first part is already here). Forgive the play on words, but we will need many buckets of water to contain and put out this inferno, without drowning – and we seem to be living in a drought.
I am reminded of my Latin teacher writing on the chalkboard (over 40 years ago): “fortes fortuna adiuvat” (fortune favors the brave). The proverb still holds, nearly 2,200 years after it was coined. In context, “silentium necat” (silence kills) is a stern reminder to be brave, for being silent will be taken as agreeing. In the words of Martin Luther King, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” I digress, back to freezing.
I have been taking the opportunity, for the last several days, while staying warm, under a blanket or near the space heater, with a hot coffee (and sometimes tea) in hand, to address the long list of “will fix it when I have time” things related to the blog; all the technicalities of running it smoothly, keeping it safe, fast loading, updated, enjoyable, and easily accessible that I had put off as minor nuisances, which then became an unsightly pile (and a message from the hosting gods reminding me to do my due diligence). It took far longer than I thought it would.
I was nearing the “ta-da!” moment and couldn’t have been more relieved when I heard me asking myself a question: “Why bother? Are you going to continue writing? Is it worth it?” I took the time to think it over—a long time; searching for answers while the world around me, my landscape, and my surroundings ostensibly erode or disintegrate and make this exercise of self-questioning somewhat silly and insignificant. The answer came as suddenly as the question did. Yes, because silentium necat.
As a result, I will burrow under more warm blankets and hibernate for a few more days, jotting down, doodling, and highlighting all those things that have come to represent danger, are uncontrollable, unmanageable, and contrary to everything I believe in and stand for. Some are clearly defined in my mind; others require further reflection. “It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.” Remember that quote? Right. Circling back to “silence kills” … voice empowers. See you soon; my next posts may offer some clues as to this blog’s future, yet unpredictable, structure and contents. In the meantime, wherever you are, stay safe, warm, and protect your peace.