Exploring the Soundscapes of Victoria on the Grass

Victoria on the Grass

Who is Victoria on The Grass? It is a duo formed in 2018 by two brilliant musicians: Benedetta Oliovecchio (vocals, keys, and bass) and Caterina Fuso (drums, guitar, synths, and programming). Although their music is difficult to define, it can be characterized as electro-rock immersed in a sonic environment with an otherworldly magnetism. That is a mouthful! In this case, music is felt, not caged by labels (another duo that comes to mind in setting itself apart is Cosmic Crisis).

In 2022, the duo released their first three-track EP, “All Above,”  (Silence, Think with Me, and Victoria – the last one as a bonus track) and went on tour in the United Kingdom and Ireland. After the tour, Benedetta and Caterina up the ante by further exploring their soundscape and blending it with electronic music, making the resulting mesh unique. During an interview with a music outfit, Caterina was asked how she would describe the duo’s sound, and she responded, “Dreamy vibes, warm and yet a slight aching too, a bittersweet sound.”

Victoria on the Grass’ music draws inspiration from artists such as PJ Harvey, Garbage, Bat for Lashes, St. Vincent, and Eurythmics (to name a few). Benedetta’s captivating voice glides above shimmering synths and dynamic beats, crafting a soundscape that feels both ethereal and profoundly human. Caterina’s skillful instrumentation and programming lay a wonderful foundation, blending electronic elements with warm, organic textures to craft intricate and compelling tracks.

In April 2024, Victoria on the Grass released “Jean,” which sparked worldwide interest in their music. The song captures the journey of vulnerability and self-discovery, highlighting challenges as we navigate our struggles. It brings us to the critical realization that the emotions we often use to protect ourselves by building walls around us can only be dismantled by us – a one-soul catch and release.

Two months ago, in December 2024, Benedetta and Caterina released “Blur Picture,” which seems to be in direct contradiction with the message expressed in “Jean.” But is it juxtaposed? According to the duo, the song captures a moment in life where everything is black and white, without shape, colorless: one finds oneself in a blurred life, and this song renders that feeling very well. It suggests that the presence of a different, unmatched person may be necessary to break free from that moment, embodying “hope and a sincere call for salvation and support.”

In 2025, Victoria on the Grass will focus on “Perseids,” the name they have given to their current project, which they define as “extremely exciting.” The project will venture into space, into the void, with the sounds that characterize its vastness. It challenges the duo’s initial individual instrument studies and how expanding into bass and guitar tones, whilst refining existing sounds (among other things) conveys the thrilling sense of freedom and surprising bliss they find themselves in as they go on this evolutionary journey.

Find their music on all music platforms, forget the world, sit back and listen with abandon: it is worth it.

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